Garrett Jaeger

Garrett Jaeger

Garrett Jaeger [PhD] is the founder of winded.vertigo, a learning design collective based in Marinwood, California. The collective is focused on projects that weave together design principles and scientific rigor to explore questions and create conditions for playful learning. Garrett was an Evidence Specialist at the LEGO Foundation for five years, where developmental needs were viewed as a design opportunity for creating flow in playful learning experiences.

He helped steer a shift in research at LEGO from traditional focus groups and paper-and-pencil tests into AI-enabled documentation of what occurs in situ as children are learning through play. Garrett led the integration of stealth assessment within programmatic activities as they were introduced in numerous geographic contexts around the world. 

As a former teacher in preschools, secondary schools, and universities, Garrett continues designing and facilitating playful experiences where children inspire adults, ideas lead logistics, and evidence checks intuition.