Lucas, Spencer and Stoll 2021 Leadership for Creativity

Established in 2008, the Centre for Real-World Learning (CRL) at the University of Winchester focuses on building understanding about the learning dispositions that enable individuals to flourish throughout their lives and how best these are cultivated. CRL has undertaken ground-breaking research for City & Guilds, Creativity, Culture and Education, the Mitchell Institute, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Edge Foundation, Royal Society of Arts and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

cce diagram

Professor Bill Lucas and Dr Ellen Spencer have published three books which are helping teachers understand more about important aspects of learning dispositions, Teaching Creative Thinking: Developing learners who generate ideas and can think critically was followed by Developing Tenacity: Teaching learners how to persevere in the face of difficulty and, in 2020, Zest for Learning: Developing curious learners who relish real-world challenges.

Professor Louise Stoll is a Professor of Professional Learning at UCL Institute of Education and an
international consultant. Her research and development activity focuses on how schools and local/national systems create capacity for learning in a changing world, with particular emphasis on schools as learning organisations, professional learning communities, learning networks, creative leadership and leadership development. Her many publications include research informed professional and leadership learning resources.

Louise is an Associate of CRL with which she has acted as a strategic adviser and an academic collaborator.

The full report can be accessed here:

Lucas, B., Spencer, E. and Stoll, L. (2021) Creative leadership to develop creativity and creative thinking in English schools: A review of the evidence. London: Mercers’ Company